There are numerous of best restaurants in Paris as the city is one of Europe’s culinary centres. The barter between restaurants started here in about 220 years ago and is still existing at present. Even though the city of Paris is not the culinary capital, some tourist will prefer French cuisine that are found in less visited portions of the city.
There have been struggles in the last 20 years as restaurateurs from San Francisco and Sydney momentarily exceeded their Parisian fore bearers, again because of the emphasis they give on freshness of ingredients. Parisian style of cooking didn’t just rest during this era; somewhat they travelled, taught and studied. Today, you can find hundreds of best restaurants in Paris with thoughtful interior design and well-planned and executed menus offering French and exotic foreign cuisines. It is clear that Paris once again is catching up with its rivals.
There are also some traditional offerings and bistros for people who is budget conscious. In the sidewalks, they offer a choice of fairly simple meat centred meals for reasonable prices. For the inexperienced individuals, it is hard to have a superb dining experience during stay in the city, mainly because the best restaurants in Paris are located away from city’s attractions. It is usually heard that people complains about very high Parisian prices for poor food and poor service, because they often tried to eat close to major tourist spots. Try to experience dining where the locals eat for great food and great service.
Most restaurants needed to maximize limited space; as a result, many restaurants in the city are tiny and have tables close together. You may have to share tables with strangers in some cases when the restaurant is crowded. If that doesn’t work for you, try to go to a more upscale place where you can pay for the extra space.
Stylish restaurants sometimes require reservation weeks, or even months in advance. You should plan far enough to get the quality you wanted.
If you want a hassle free meal in Paris, consider eating breakfast at your own hotel consisting of some croissants, coffee and maybe a piece of fruit. Or you can get a ‘walking lunch’ from one of Paris’ many food stalls. Traiteurs serving Chinese food are omnipresent in the city and ideal for a cheap lunch and inexpensive coffee and sandwiches. All these suggestions are cheap, hassle free, and allow you to maximize you sightseeing and walking time while enjoying delicious local delicacies. For dinner, try exploring the streets at dusk and prepare a budget of €20-40 prix-fixe menu. You will be able to get at least 3 courses, possibly with wine, and an unhurried, candlelit, magical European evening experience.
If you’re planning to indulge the fine dining experience in the best restaurants in Paris, you have to make fuse your breakfast and lunch and eat brunch instead. This is the most cost-effective way to do that plan.
When it comes to great dining experience, Paris never fails to fill my stomach with delectable dishes. I just moved to Paris about a couple of weeks ago and I am in love with the place and the food. However, I also brought my pooch with me and my problem before was where can I dine with my pet Chihuahua. Luckily, a friend of mine brought me to this beautiful restaurant on 46 avenue de la Bourdonnais. It definitely is on my list of the best restaurants in Paris, and of course it’s a dog friendly restaurant so they get plus points from me. They usually serve the dishes common in the Bordeaux region, like foie gras and cassoulet. This restaurant also has a great view of the Eiffel Tower, all the more reason why you should visit this place with your pet love.
For budget travelers like me, I’m sure you’re always looking for a place where you can dine authentic native cuisines without having to shell out much cash. When I was in Paris a few months ago, my mouth would always drool over the French cuisine that most high end restaurants would serve. So, being the foodie that I am, I went around the city in search for the best restaurant in Paris which serves authentic French cuisine but with a reasonable price. Fortunately, I did find one, it’s Le Bistrot d’Andre located at 15th arrondissement. They are actually pretty known in Paris for serving good and authentic French cuisine. Most of their set meals will cost you less than $20.
Put to mind that in Paris, cafes and restaurants includes waiter service. You can always pay your bill and leave some change as a tip for them, if you wish. Top of my list is the Taillevent which occupies a 19th century design with paneled rooms and crystal chandeliers. It is also considered as one of the best restaurant in the Paris. They serve Breton Lobster sausage as their specialty.
Here are some words that were translated from French to English (with pronunciation) for you to use in Paris Restaurants.
I would like to eat – Je voudrais manger (jhe voo-dray mahn-jhay)
Please give me – Donnez-moi s’il vous plait (doe-nay-mwah seel voo play)
A bottle of – une bouteille de (ewn boo-tay duh)
A cup of – une tasse de (ewn tass duh)
A glass of – un verre de (uh vair duh)
A cocktail – un aperitif (uh ah-pay-ree-teef)
the check/bill – l’addition / la note (la-dee-see-ohn / la noat)
A knife – un couteau (uh koo-toe)
A napkin – une serviette (ewn sair-vee-et)
A spoon – une cuillere (ewn kwee-air)
A fork – une fourchette (ewn four-shet)
Fixed-price menu – un menu (uh may-new)
Is the tip/service included? – Est-ce que le service est compris? (ess-ke luh ser-vees eh com-pree?)
Waiter! /Waitress! – Monsieur! / Mademoiselle! (mun-syuh / mad-mwa-zel)
Wine list – une carte des vins (ewn cart day van)
Appetizer – une entree (ewn en-tray)
Main Course – un plat principal (uh plah pran-see-pahl)
Tip included – service compris (sehr-vees cohm-pree)
Tasting / Chef’s menu – menu degustation (may-new day-gus-ta-see-on)