Paris education is well offered by the prestigious organization for primary, secondary and higher education. The capital city of France is luxuriously cultured and offers its best to the national and international students. Million seek to study and have their education in Paris for the well-managed institutions and the facilities situated the city. Paris education is an important study-centre of Europe and is a hometown to many organizations of higher learning and research.
The language medium in Paris is English, French or a combined version of both. Paris is considered to be the best place to learn French. A high quality education is bestowed upon millions of students in all areas of education, particularly stressing on literature and arts. Paris education has reached its present status mainly because of the distinguished brains and scholars known best in their own fields of education.
Paris education follows the French Government regime. Under the law of the government of France, every school in the nation has to obey the same program. The term of completing education is from 6 years to 16 years of age. The primary education is free in some of the schools. After accomplishing the primary school, the students enjoy a wide range of options to make according to their field of interest. Primary education in Paris frequently starts with the informal supervision from mothers.
During the term of 11 to 15 years of age of a child, Secondary Education in Paris is then offered. The child has 2 choices, either in collège d’enseignement general or college d’enseignement technique. After which, they are admitted to Seconde, Première and Terminale when they reach the age 15 to 18. This part of education determines the student’s field of interest. There are universally recognized requirement exams called Baccalauréat, this also serves as finals exams. There are few sectors which attends to the special needs of the students of Paris including SESSAD which deals with children and teenagers in special troubles and CLIS and UPI for disabled children.
The University of Paris is currently interlinked with Sorbonne University. Although there are numerous educational organizations in Paris, the University of Paris is still the icon of the city. All educational prospectuses in the city are decided by the central government in the purpose of unity. Study of French is compulsory at every grade level. In addition, the Le Cordon Bleu is a celebrated cooking institute that offers courses in French, English and Japanese.
What I love about Paris is that they offer free education to their citizens even in the top universities. But I heard that for you to get your free education, you have to pass a difficult exam in order to gain entrance. Maybe that’s the reason why most students opt not to take it or if they do take it, they still fail it. Either way, I commend the government of Paris for taking the initiative to entitle their citizens with free education. Free education especially in universities is only a dream to most of the youth in my hometown.
I’m a Filipino and I have been studying French in Paris now for well about 6 months. And for anyone who is not European and wants to study in Paris, I cannot tell you how important a student visa is. Europeans are usually given the freedom to stay and study in Paris without the need of a visa, but for those of us who are not Europeans, we really have to make the extra effort to apply for a student visa. If you’re planning on taking up a course that requires more than 3 months of stay in Paris, then you should definitely apply for a long stay visa. A good tip would be to pre-register to those courses at least 6 weeks before your planned arrival. This way, they can actually give you a certificate that will help you obtain your visa.
Yes, absolutely. Before planning to study in Paris Universities, might as well prepare all your requirements especially Visa and other important related documents that could support. It is a proper protocol and we should abide it. You should also prepare yourself at the most, because studying in Paris is not that easy as it seems. Especially if your not European and you still have to adjust to the environment and their culture. Talking about the free education, those exams that are above the average difficulty is essential to determine who are really deserving of these scholarships. It is hard for the university to just give away those free education without basis. The interested students should prove themselves that the are deserving enough.